Help us create a dramatic patriotic display in your neighborhood
Wethersfield Boy Scout Troop 85 sells subscriptions for US Flags to be placed on your lawn. For $40 annual subscription, Scouts place your Flag at dawn and remove at dusk on 4 selected National Holidays. This is a service that shows patriotism in our community and support for the Scouts. Money earned helps support Troop 85’s activities throughout the year, including: summer camp, high adventure camp and Scout gear. We hope you enjoy the spirit of this project as much as we do!
** Flags will be flown on the following days **
Memorial Day
Flag Day
Independence Day
Patriot’s Day - 9/11
Flags are attached to a 7½ foot white flag pole and stand in your yard temporarily
If you are interested in supporting Wethersfield Boy Scout Troop 85, please fill out the the form in the How to Subscribe section and send payment to:
Boy Scout Troop 85
472 Old Reservoir Rd
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(Make checks payable to: Boy Scout Troop 85)
If you have questions about this service, feel free email at flagsoverwethersfield@gmail.com